🛑 Important Shipping info 🛑
Due to the labour dispute within Canada Post, our shipping rates have temporarily changed. All parcels will ship using alternative carriers (selected at our discretion)
Please be aware that if you have a P.O. box, we will require a street address to ship your parcel to.
Please note** Shipping rates may change during sale events. **
We do our very best to process all orders within 24-48 hours (Business Days only, we currently do not process or ship orders on weekends or Statutory Holidays).
Please note: Orders that include a PRE-ORDER item will be held in full until the release date.
B.C / Alberta / Saskatchewan / Manitoba
• *Free Shipping on orders over $150.00 before taxes (After discounts are applied)
• Carrier and service type selected at our discretion.
• $100 - $150 Flat rate of $10
• Carrier and service type selected at our discretion.
Rest of Canada
• Discounted Shipping on orders over $150.00 before taxes (After discounts are applied) - $10 Flat Rate
• Carrier and service type selected at our discretion.
*Weight and Size Restrictions may apply – our shipping department will contact you to discuss subsidized shipping options.
Oversized / Overweight items $5.00 surcharge
Free shipping discount codes - Carrier and service type selected at our discretion.
- Shipping discount codes are disabled during sales.
- Customers can select the shipping option preferred at checkout.
- Customers are responsible for any customs, duty, or taxes.